Drepung Monastery, also called Tashi-Megyur-Chakju-Ling, is one of the size largest monasteries of the Gelupa sect. It was built in 1416 by Jamyang-Choje Tashi-Phlden, a disiple of Tsong-Khapa. Over ten thousand monks resided there before.
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Square in front of the Drepung Monastery.
This hanger was for the largest Tang ka in the world, which is over 80 feet wide. That Tang ka is hanged and dried there only during the Shir Duen festival, also known as the Yogurt festival.
A wall banner left from the cultural revolution. It says "You have to be aware of the nation's events. Proceed the proletariat cultural revolution to the end."
West suburban of Lhasa.
School of the Drepung Monastery.
This is the original Drepung Monastery.