There are 5 different cars for the passengers, hard sleeping car, soft sleeping car, Seats car, dining car. There are 6 beds without a door for the hard sleeping car. The cars for the Tibet railway were newly built, which I think they are clean. One thing particular is that the cabins are all pressurized.
Isle of the hard sleeping car. Everyone is still exciting.
95% of The passengers in the Tibet railway
are tourists.
There is door per room for the soft sleeping car.
Dining car.
A small bar in the dining car.
Every bed equips with an oxygen supply. You can ask for the one-time oxygen mask from the conductor.
There is a wash sink per car.
Bathroom in the train.
There are two sockets per car. You can use it for the charger. There will be many people trying to use it during the trip. If you don't want to wait, I recommend you to bring an adaptor to use the bottom one that there isn't anyone using it.
The quick board of the car will announce the altitude on real time .